Thursday, February 28, 2008

My Mother Dear's Thoughts About My Blog

Dear Max,
having read your blog, I must say how disappointed I am. You are SO Brilliant Max [Rampage], I was hoping to be enlightened. instead I feel sick to my stomach, even angry. Guess i won't read your blog any more, unless of course you have something interesting to say. Which I know that you do !
I keep
telling people that my totally fantastic and genius son will some day soon write for the N.Y. Times, The New Yorker, the Economist., Books,....I hope nobody who matters reads this pap. Sorry to be so critical. I know who you are and what you've got. Hope to see it in written word soon. I guess i thought it was just so immature. Potty talk ??!!? You can do better Max !
I love and admire you, and hope I have not offended you. If you want to discuss this and tell me what was on your mind,or any thing else, I would be very interested. Perhaps you were trying to be funny and i just missed it. hope to talk with you soon, love , your Mother


Anonymous said...

your poor, poor mother

Anonymous said...

your mother is right. you're a sick individual who needs to be punished for his repulsive and sinful writings. get a life, and stop writing filth.

Anonymous said...

I don't think you're a sick individual. You just find things amusing that many people think are inappropriate. But I think you address some important topics.

Anonymous said...

max, this is my all time favorite blog. thank you for this gift.

Anonymous said...
